
Monday, December 12, 2011

Graduate School: Take 1

Now that the semester has finally wound it's way to a slow, stuttering, painful stop, I thought I might reflect a bit on the past 4 months - for my own benefit of course, since no one else reads this thing...

1. I remember one Monday laying out on my coffee table all of the books, articles, and assignments I had to read all or part of or complete that week.  I then remember thinking - "Crapola."  ...or something like that.  I'm still not used to the amount of work that graduate school entails, yet I know that there is only ever going to be more and more and more work to do.

2. Even though the amount of reading and work is enormous, generally I have found that graduate school work is some of the most interesting stuff I've done in school since kindergarten.  This may seem obvious - the classes are much more specialized, there is no need to take any extra classes that you don't really want, and the professors often let you make your own topic choices when it comes to projects/papers.  I still have to do 3 classes in a minor field, but Comparative World History is still pretty interesting (much more so than my other option of US History!), but the classes offered are often what the professors are most interested in and passionate about.  All in all, learning in graduate school is pretty fun :)

3.  I must learn to manage my time better.  Like, MUST.  I don't know how it's going to happen, and God knows I've tried for 4.5 years now to stop procrastinating, but eventually I'll get there.  Maybe by the time I've completed my Ph.D. I won't feel the need to procrastinate any more - problem solved!

4.  Cats are anti-graduate school.  I love my kitten, and he can be so completely wonderful.  But then again, pencils and papers and spiral bound notebooks and highlighters and all those things I need to use in order to get work done are all his favorite toys.  Also, using him as an excuse - saying that I'll wait to do work until he's asleep for the afternoon... or the night... - has not been very helpful for #3.

5.  I don't think there is a #5... at least not right now...  ahh well - graduate school.  :)

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