
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Life Tidbits from the Past Month

Hello to my currently non-existent fan base!!  I would ask how you were but, naturally, you probably wouldn't answer.

I do realize that I've been neglecting my postings a wee bit and I'd like to catch every non-existent body up on recent events.

My boyfriend came home from England/Scotland/Ireland = happy me :)

My laptop decides to wig out on me = very very annoyed me.
In fact, the IT people at my university couldn't even tell me what was actually wrong with it beyond what I already knew.  Basically, now (it was a lot worse and more complicated before I fixed part of the issue) my wireless only works perfectly when there is a 5 out of 5 signal from a network OR is unplugged.  Yes unplugged.  Soon as I plug in the AC adapter and if the signal is anything less than perfect - internet access w/o annoying wires is kaput.  Look up this problem online.  No one has it.  My laptop invented a totally new problem.  Which would be cool if I knew what to do with it and then I could feel all proud of myself.  But no:  it's like a pet kitten has found, slayed, and brought to me a rat that happens to be able to sing postmortem.  Cool, interesting, until you can't get it to SHUT UP.  Then it's annoying.  Like my laptop.
The nice IT man did give a few tricks to try when I return home.  Maybe my proverbial deceased rat will grow an off button.

Oh! and I have a job.  Nice right?  I'm now waitressing at a local restaurant and it's quite fun.

Minus the gossip.  Not a shift goes by where I don't have to hear about one of my coworkers talking about another coworker.  The cyclical part is that often I'll hear person A talk about person B only to hear person B talking about person A five minutes later.  It's slightly ridiculous, but then again, I guess it's also natural.  I guess it'd be impossible to truly not talk about people.  The vicious part is that I get sucked into the cyclical part.  Like a vortex or a... black hole, or some other space thing that sucks.  I guess it's not so bad though.

Notably, the word "kaput" looks super weird.  Like the word "does" does sometimes - think about it; ever read a sentence and think it's subject is female deer?

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