
Monday, July 04, 2011

An Important Story

Something so awesome, so thrilling, so inspiring happened to me last night that I have to write about it.

My story begins at a pool party.  I had an amazing afternoon and evening hanging out with some of my best friends and relaxing in the pool - that's what summer should be all about!  By the time the festivities ended and I got home it was about 10pm, which is still pretty early for me, so I decided I'd be lazy and get on Facebook, chat with friends, and play some Dragon Age: Origins (yep).  I put my hair up in a messy bun at some point during this time, unconsciously I'm sure.  About 3 or 4 hours later I decided I should probably actually get to bed and get some sleep, but noticing that I reeked of chlorine from my long day in the pool, I knew I'd have to shower first.  So I go into the bathroom.... turn the light on... look in the mirror... take my hair down out of the messy bun...         and...            MY HAIR WAS CURLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well wavy.  BUT IT WAS SOMETHING!!  At this point, I'm freaking out - my hair is never curly, or wavy, or even crimpy.  It's straight.  Like, I almost always let it dry naturally, and it's straight.  Like, for junior prom it took a whole bottle of extra hold hair spray to put my hair up in spiral curls, which proceeded to only last for about 4 hours.  But no, at this point, there were definite waves in my hair!!

By now I've already run into the bedroom to show my sleeping boyfriend the magnificence of my curly coif.  He was a bit less impressed.

Then I deeply regretted my need to shower.  It would go back to straight, blah, normal hair.

But everyone has to shower eventually.  And I really was getting headache from the remnants of the chlorine smell.

So no one else got to see my amazing waves of hair.  It probably occurred after the specific mixture of that amount of chlorine, still damp hair, and a perfect, never to be repeated, messy bun.

But I promise it was real.

1 comment:

  1. I can understand what a huge accomplishment this is.
    I remember trying to curl/play with your hair when we were little.

    Yay maggie! :)
