
Monday, May 17, 2010

Some Poetic Things

For years I've been wanting to get some of my poetry online and this is finally a way for me to do so without having to recall my semester of basic HTML.  On the page link above you'll find 2 poems that I've already added.  I realize that as I add more it may get a bit ungainly to scroll through them all, but it makes me happy that they can at least be read.

Notably, as you can see in the two that I've posted thus far, most of these poems were written when I was much younger and they do reflect my age at that time.  All my poems are written in times of "extreme feelings" - when I'm super happy or depressed I like to write.  I haven't written any poems recently, but my young teenage years produced several poems as one could guess.

So they're not masterpieces, not by a long shot.  However, I am very fond of them, and hold memories that I keep.

If you like them, I'd like to know.  If you don't, I'd like to know.  Just please remember I'm not posting these to get published or anything like that - but if there's a 15 year old out there that connects with some of the feelings that I had at that age (for example), then I think those kind of connections are important.

Enjoy :)

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